Peer-Reviewed Publications
Pharr, L.D., Cooper, C.B., Evans, B., Moorman, C.E. Voss, Margaret; Vukomanovic, J., Marra, P. 2023. “Using Citizen Science Data to Investigate Annual Survival Rates of Resident Birds in Relation to Noise and Light Pollution”, Urban Ecosystems
- In the Media: NC State University News, Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center, The Wildlife Society, MSN
Pharr, L. D., & Lanham, J. D. 2023. The Hopeful “Black Birder”: Living Vicariously through Birds. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 104(2), e02055.
- In the Media: North Carolina Sea Grant
Beall, J.M., Pharr, L.D., von Furstenberg, R., Barber, A., Casola, W.R., Vaughn, A., Peterson, M.N. and Larson, L.R., 2023. The influence of YouTube videos on human tolerance of sharks. Animal Conservation, 26(2), pp.154-164.
- In the Media: Forbes; NCSU CNR News; North Carolina Sea Grant
- Conservation Leadership Grant, North Carolina Wildlife Federation, ($2500)
- Namkoong Graduate Fellowship, North Carolina State University ($3600)
- Mecklenburg Audubon Society ($1000)
- Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research ($1000)
- Arthur W. Cooper Graduate Fellowship, North Carolina State University ($500)
- Animal Behavior Society (with recognition for contributions to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion) ($2000)
- American Wildlife Conservation Foundation Grant ($3000)
- Forestry and Environmental Resources Faculty Fellowship for Excellence in Graduate Education, North Carolina State University ($500)
- Carolina Bird Club Research Grant ($2000)
- Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Global Change Fellowship
- The Alongside Wildlife Foundation Grant ($1000)
- North Carolina Wildlife Federation Scholarship ($1000)
- Charles B. Davey Fellowship for Excellence in Biological Sciences, North Carolina State University ($500)
- Graduate Research Assistantship, North Carolina State University
- The Nature Conservancy (TNC) & Department of Defense (DOD) Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Challenge Grant